Navigate Your Health

When children and young people come into care, they can have complex physical, dental, social-emotional, developmental and mental health needs.

Navigate Your Health is a partnership with Children’s Health Queensland to help children in care access health checks and referrals to services that meets their health needs.

A Nurse Navigator works with our Child Safety Officer (CSO), the child’s parents, carers and healthcare professionals to assess and coordinate the child’s access to the right health services in a timely way.

Who is eligible?

If we’ve been granted custody or guardianship through a child protection order by the Childrens Court, we can refer children and young people to Navigate Your Health.

At this stage, children and young people who are case managed by the following Child Safety Service Centres are eligible:

  • Moreton region: Alderley, Chermside, Mt Gravatt, Cannon Hill, Inala, Forest Lake
  • South East region: Logan Central, Loganlea
  • North Queensland region: Cairns, Edmonton.

How does it work?

Step 1

Our CSO will talk to the parents and carers about the child’s health history and make a referral to Navigate Your Health.

Step 2

The child or young person will be assigned a Nurse Navigator.

The Nurse Navigator may also talk to the parents and carers about the child’s health history and decide the most appropriate health professional or services to make an assessment.

The health assessment is usually completed by a General Practitioner (GP), Aboriginal medical service, or a health professional that the child or young person already knows, unless a paediatrician or other health professional is required.

Step 3

When the health assessment is completed, the Nurse Navigator will develop a Health Management Plan outlining all of the child’s health care needs. It will include recommendations for any ongoing treatment and additional referrals.

Step 4

The Nurse Navigator will help connect the child to the health services they need.

What is the role of parents and carers?

We recognise that it’s better for the child or young person when health services, parents and carers work together.

As the foster or kinship carer, it's  important to:

  • support the child's attendance at all  appointments
  • participate in the planning and coordination  of the child's health care
  • talk with our CSO and Nurse Navigator if you  are worried about the child's health and wellbeing
  • place a copy of the Health Management Plan in  the child's Health Passport
  • encourage young people to visit their GP at  least once a year for a health check
  • encourage young people transitioning to  adulthood to keep a copy of their plan in a safe place.

It's important that the  child's parents are also involved to:

  • discuss any worries about the child's  and family's health history
  • provide information to help the  Nurse Navigator understand the child's health care needs
  • attend the child's health  assessment where possible
  • make decisions about certain types  of medical examinations and treatments the child requires.

Does Navigate Your Health replace the need to visit a GP?

Navigate Your Health does not replace the important services provided by the GP. If the child or young person becomes unwell, injured, or if they have other medical issues, please contact the GP.

13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) is a confidential phone service that provides health advice to Queenslanders. A registered nurse is available to talk to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the cost of a local call.

In an emergency, phone 000 (Triple Zero) or go to the nearest hospital emergency department.